
If anyone knows of any other references, please let me know at

Books :

1 The Orders and Medals of French Indochina, by John Sylvester Jr., August 17, 1986.
2 The Orders and Medals of French Indochina, revised, by John Sylvester Jr., December 30, 1986.
3 The Orders and Medals of French Indochina, revised, by John Sylvester Jr. and David Fay, 2011. (in progress)
4 Orders, Decorations and Medals of the French Colonial Empire and the Post-Colonial Period, by Edward John Emering, 1st ed (2004), 2nd ed (2007-2009). Chapter on French Indochina. Available at

Websites :

1 The Medalhound website - Indochine section, by Ed Emering in the Indochine page (In English)
2 France Phaleristique website - by Marc CHAMPENOIS (in French)
3 LES DÉCORATIONS website, Vietnam page, by Semon (in French)
4 See also various posts at the Forum Insignes Medailles (FIM) (in French)

Books with sections on individual ODM :

1 M. Delande, Décorations – France et Colonies, 1934. (In French) (A fine work with good illustrations and much about the colonial awards.)
2 André Souyris-Rolland, Guide des Ordres Civils Français et Étranger, des Médailles d’Honneur et des Médailles de Sociétés, 1979. pp var (In French)
3 André Souyris-Rolland, Guide des Ordres, Décorations et Médailles Militaires de 1814/1963, 1991. pp var (In French)
4 Harrold E. Gillingham, Notes on the Decorations and Medals of French Colonies and Protectorates (ANS publication no 36), 1928. (In English)
5 Ministry of War, Décorations, Médailles Commemoratives et Médailles Colonials, Official bulletin No. 326-1, Paris, 1956. (Wanted)
6 D.G. Neville and Alan De Hurst, Medal Ribbons of the World Part 1 France and her former Colonies, 1975.
7 Societe d'Etudes et d'Informations Economique, Annuaire General de la France et de l'Etranger 1922, Paris, 1922. (Gives general information on the French and colonial awards.)
8 Annuaire Generale de L'Indochine 1924, Hanoi, 1924.
9 Arthur Daguin, Les Décorations Français et des Protectorats, Paris, 1901.
10 Comte Henri Michel de Pierredon, Les Ordres Coloniaux Français, Paris, 1907.
11 E. Bouve, Ancienne Médailles Coloniales, Glanes Diverses, Aix-en-Provence, 1922.
12 René MATHIS, La Médaille d'Honneur des Eaux et Forêts, 1933. (see here)
13 René MATHIS, La Médaille d'Honneur des Postes, Télégraphes, et Téléphones, 1933.(see here) (Wanted)
14 René MATHIS, La Médaille d'Honneur des Douanes, 1936. (see here)
15 Gouvernement General de L'Indochine, Souverains et Notabilites d'Indochine, Hanoi, 1943. (A rare book on the boigraphies of the notables on Indochina, illustrating many of them wearing their awards.)

Articles :

(Note: This does not include anything from Symbols et Traditions before N° 61 Janvier - Février - Mars 1972). If anyone has any information about articles from earlier issues, or can put me in touch with these issues to review, pelase let me know.)

1 P.G. Lepage, "Trois Décorations Peu Connues (1882-1892)", Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Hué, No 2, April-June 1944 (An interesting article about the two unrealized Annamese orders and the Military and Native Guard Merit Medal.) (see here)
2 R.D. Stiot, "La Médaille du Mérite des militaires et Gardes Civils Indigènes de L'Indochine", Carnet de la Sabretache, 4e Trimestre 1983, Nouvelle Serie No 69, pp 119-120. (see here)
3 R.D. Stiot, "La médaille de la Garde indigène de l'Indochine", Carnet de la Sabretache, 2e Trimestre 1984, Nouvelle Series No 71, pp 16. (see here)
4 J.C. Magny, "La médaille des douanes et régies d’Indochine", Symbols et Traditions, No 130, p39-44, April 1989.
5 J.C. Magny,"Les trios médailles d’honneur de l’Indochine Française du graveur R. Mercier", Symbols et Traditions, No 206, p41-52, April 2008.
6 ?????, "La médaille de l’Instruction publique en Indochine", Symbols et Traditions, No 211, p??-??, July 2009.

Various auction catalogs, dealer price lists, maker catalogs - such as: :

1 Maison Platt, Collection Mathis - Ordres et Décorations, Paris, November 28-29, 1983 (A fine catalog for a comprehensive sale of French medals, including a broad range of French Indochina ones.)
2 Masion Platt, Collection de Monsieur J.P.L - Ordres et Décorations, Paris, May 26-27, 1986.
3 Maison Arthus Bertrand, Decorations Françaises et Décorations Coloniales (catalog), Paris, (various dates).
4 G. Lemaitre, Fabrique Speciale d'Ordres Français & Etrangers (catalog), Paris, no date. (Illustrates the various sizes the French medals and colonial orders were manufactured in.)

Other References :

1 Jeffery R. Jacobs, Court Jewelers of the World, 1978. pp 31-37. (In English) French maker information.
2 Administration des Monnaies et Medailles, Décorations Officieles Francaises, Paris, 1956 (A handsome, well illustrated, and comprehensive work, but with relatively little on French Indochina medals. Also an 1967 aditif.)